Linda Dutil, R.N. (Emergency Department Nurse) Linda Dutil grew up in the town of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. As a teenager and college student, she watched the lives of close friends altered by poor choices involving drugs and alcohol.

Eventually, she moved to the state of Maine where she met and married her husband Brian. Her long time fascination with science and medicine finally brought her to nursing school. 

While her three children were young, she completed her nursing degree. She soon discovered her love and fascination for emergency room medicine. “I found that making a difference in someone’s life was a tremendous personal reward,” she states.

Many years ago, a local Deputy from the Sheriff’s Department called and asked for Linda’s assistance in a local school. He asked her to share personal stories and to show the students what happens as a result of poor choices. 

The response to this first presentation was tremendous from both staff and students! 

By sharing her experiences as an ER nurse, Linda helps students consider the consequences of poor choices and enables them to develop healthy attitudes about life. “The emergency room is the last place anyone wants to visit,” Dutil states. “I hope to make a lasting impression on young people across the country. I want to empower them with the skills that they need to make good choices to stay safe!”

photo by: JMorr Photography

Active Member of ENA and NASRO

EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION LOGO.  (PRNewsFoto/Emergency Nurses Association)

A Dose of Reality Copyright 2018